Based & Kino

Coming screenings in this month

  • The Lighthouse (5.5.2021)
  • Brazil (7.5.2021)
  • Porco Rosso (22.5.2021)
  • Punch-Drunk Love (22.5.2021)

Coming screenings next month

  • Raw
  • Her
  • BladeRunner2049
  • Lost in translation
  • Mystery showing

(Dates come at the start of the month)

Ticket prices

  • Normal tickets 7,50€
  • Special screenings 10€
  • Only available to buy at the box office!

Show times

  • Wednesday starting at 18:00
  • Friday starting at 20:00
  • Saturday starting at 21:00
  • Special screening times announced on our Instagram and Twitter


Paul Thomas Anderson's 5 Most Lovable Characters (& 5 That Fans Love To Hate)

31 January 2021 Screen Rant

With such acclaimed masterpieces as There Will Be Blood, The Master, and Punch-Drunk Love under his belt, Paul Thomas Anderson has made a name for himself as one of the greatest filmmakers working today. He’s told both intimate human stories and large-scale epics, with plenty of memorable characters along the way. Related: There Will Be Blood: Why It's Paul Thomas Anderson's Masterpiece Anderson’s films are filled with characters that fans love, like a porn star abused by the industry or a loner with emotional issues who just wants to find his soulmate; then there are characters that they hate, like an oddly charismatic religious cult leader and a morally bankrupt oil baron.

See full article at Screen Rant

This months mystery synopsis!

Jack Jones had always loved car parking lots with its shrill, sturdy skyscrapers. It was a place where he felt delighted. He was an adorable, sympathetic, whiskey drinker with charming eyes and brunette eyelashes. His friends saw him as a barbecued, bad bear. Once, he had even revived a dying, blind person. That's the sort of man he was. Jack walked over to the window and reflected on his motorbike surroundings. The rain hammered like laughing monkeys. Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Jill Reed. Jill was a cold-blooded queen with handsome eyes and solid eyelashes. Jack gulped. He was not prepared for Jill. As Jack stepped outside and Jill came closer, he could see the little smile on her face. Jill gazed with the affection of 9130 funny large lizards. She said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want love." Jack looked back, even more relaxed and still fingering the warped blade. "Jill, I love you," he replied. They looked at each other with shocked feelings, like two black, broken badgers chatting at a very patient snow storm, which had orchestral music playing in the background and two sinister uncles running to the beat. Jack regarded Jill's handsome eyes and solid eyelashes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Jack with a delighted grin. Jill looked ecstatic, her emotions blushing like a purple, panicky piano. Then Jill came inside for a nice glass of whiskey.

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